real estate referralsIf you’ve imagined earning money in real estate without having to list or sell a single property, consider generating income solely by referring a buyer or seller anywhere. All you need is a current real estate license. Just give us the name, address and phone number of the person who wants to buy or sell anywhere; when the property closes, you will receive part of the commission. It’s that easy!

The Local Realty Group is a licensed real estate brokerage company under The Local Realty, Inc. Franchise systems, designed for real estate licensed salespersons or brokers who do not wish to pursue real estate sales on a full-time basis, but through their sphere of influence, can generate referral leads. The Local Realty Group is a Real Estate Referral Only company and doesn’t actively engage in selling, leasing or managing real property. The mission of The Local Realty Group is to work exclusively in helping your clients or leads find the right associates and assist in conversion.

About Our Program


As a referral member, you register your referral lead with our client relations department. Our full-time staff is solely dedicated to servicing your referral business. After your referral is placed, you will receive a referral confirmation showing the assigned agents name and contact information. Your only responsibility is to follow up with the referred customer. The assigned sales associates do all the showing, paperwork, marketing and administrative work related to the transaction. When a buyer or seller you referred closes, you will then receive your referral commission. It’s an ideal part-time opportunity, when real estate sales is not your first career.

The Local Realty Group is registered in California. If you hold an active license in California you may become a member of The Local Realty Group. You are not restricted by residency to California.

Enrollment is fast and easy
All you need is a current real estate license

Schedule an Interview today or Call our 24 Hour Support at 866-538-6057

To become a Referral Associate with The Local Realty Group, please complete the form below.
